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Oregon Rockhounding Sites, Rockhound, Rockhounding, Rockhounding Trips in Oregon, social media, tiktok -

Hey there, rock enthusiasts and gem hunters! 🌟 Ever thought about joining us on TikTok but held back due to concerns? Let's address them head-on, so you can hop on the TikTok train with peace of mind.

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Beach Agates, Beachcombing, Best Place for Agates, Central Oregon Coast, Customer Appreciation, educational video, edutainment, Gemstones Found In Oregon, Lincoln City, Oregon, Oregon Rockhounding Sites, Reviews, Rockhounding Trips in Oregon, Rocks and Gems, tiktok, Where to find Cool Rocks -

"You always have beautiful handmade jewelry. And I love the knowledge you and your staff have of the stones and rocks"

"Your shop is awesome! Only been once but we recently started making it a point to visit Lincoln City more frequently and will be stopping by the shop when we do."

"Where do I begin.... Laura was the beachcombing guide. That's how I was introduced to her and the shop. Being a local newbie she welcomed me and my silly questions with open arms. The shop is full of exciting gems and treasures. The people are always

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educational video, edutainment, tiktok -

Join us on tiktok.com/@rockyourworldgems for our informational toks on rocks and gems including scientific and metaphysical data. 


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